
Atlantis Hotel, Dubai
Scenic Painting & Themed Environments
Atlantis Hotel, Dubai
Faux Finishes
Atlantis Hotel, Dubai
Prop Painting for Museums & Displays
Fine Art Commissions
Fine Art Commissions
Artists in Action
Artists in Action
The Henna Bedouin
The Henna Bedouin

Featured Projects

Latest Projects
Latest Projects

Photos from the latest projects undertaken.

Atlantis Hotel
The Atlantis Hotel, Palm Island, Dubai

The Atlantis Hotel is the majestic focal point of Palm Island in Dubai...

Ferrari World
Bella Italia, Ferrari World, Abu Dhabi

Bella Italia, also referred to as 'Little Italy', is a miniature version of various cities...

Petit Fours
Petits Fours Deli & Decor

This deli and coffeeshop incorporates a wonderful selection of French decor...